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Developing a new economic strategy for Gloucestershire

We are working with the Local Enterprise Partnership to develop a new economic strategy. The strategy will support our county’s short-term economic priorities for the next five years and provide a long-term view to 2050.

The strategy will include an overview of the Gloucestershire economy and a set of actions to deliver a strong and inclusive economy for our communities and businesses.

We aim to complete the strategy by December 2023 and seek formal adoption in early 2024. 

The aims of the strategy are divided into two main sections, place and people.

The strategy will include a series of topics, including:

  • Zero carbon;
  • Inclusive growth;
  • Skills and employment;
  • Supporting sustainable growth;
  • Business support;
  • Inward Investment; and
  • Digital.

On the 19 July, Cabinet approved a seven week engagement process on the emerging economic strategy. The engagement process is now running until 5pm on 15 September 2023.

Complete the engagement survey

You can either view our engagement document by downloading it (this file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology), or by clicking on the images below for an accessible version; this document sets out the broad priorities, ambitions, and actions that will underpin the future strategy. It is not a draft version of the final economic strategy.

The engagement document is intended to encourage views on where priorities for the future economy need to focus and where action needs to be taken. It builds on the previous economic strategies of the strategic economic plan and the local industrial strategy, acknowledging the strengths and challenges of the economy. It also considers the earlier 2050 vision work but sets a new context to offer opportunity to all while ensuring climate change commitments are achieved as we transition to a carbon-net zero economy.

   How to respond. Introduction. Purpose of the engagement document. Our emerging 2050 vision.


   Intended outcomes. Delivering the strategy. Place - our core propositions. People - our core propositions.


Following the completion of this engagement a further round of stakeholder engagement will take place through a series of targeted workshops during late September and early October. At these sessions feedback will be provided on the public engagement process before discussing the emerging detail of the final strategy. 

The aim is to complete the drafting of the final strategy by the end of the year before bringing the strategy back to Cabinet for approval in early 2024.

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