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Delivering the strategy

Delivering the strategy in a way which achieves impact for the county will require increased partnership working. This includes active engagement and working more closely with partners and stakeholders across the public, private and voluntary sector to ensure we collectively draw on the strengths of the county’s local and regional assets and achieve positive outcomes for the communities and businesses that live and work within our county.

The integration of the GFirst LEP into the county council will require close collaboration with businesses to ensure economy-related decisions are informed and robust. It will also require greater strategic alliances with partners such as the Western Gateway, the UK’s first pan-regional partnership, to bring together local leaders from two countries, stretching across South Wales and Western England.

There needs to be a robust action plan in order to deliver the vision and priorities outlined in the strategy. In each of the economic themes identified, a number of actions have also been developed to move towards our emerging economic vision for the future. We consider the short- and medium-term actions which will be the stepping stones to delivering the strategy and which will require close monitoring and evaluation over time. This will need resource and careful consideration of what potential funding could be generated and the skilled resource to deliver it.

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