CYPS and Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust

The Children and Young People's Service

We are a specialist emotional well-being and mental health service for all children and young people who are registered with a GP in Gloucestershire. We see children and young people up to 18 years of age when they find it hard to cope with their feelings.

It is quite common for everyone to feel stressed, anxious, down or angry from time to time but sometimes these feelings can be overwhelming and just won’t go away. Usually children and young people referred to us will be experiencing emotional wellbeing problems that significantly affect their ability to cope with normal stresses and demands of life.

In addition, we will also help with other problems such as developmental disorders, eating difficulties, bipolar disorders, psychosis, attachment difficulties, infant mental health problems, conduct disorders or when a young person is at risk of harming themselves.

Our staff are specially trained and have lots of experience with talking to children and young people and their parents and carers about thoughts and feelings. There are many ways we can help and everyone who uses the service can talk privately and confidentially with our team. We also offer more interactive ways to explore how you are feeling like art and play therapy. Most importantly we are here to listen and not to judge.

If other professionals/organisations are already providing support, we may think about working in partnership with these staff to ensure the best possible plan of care is received. We currently work collaboratively with Action for Children.

There are different parts within this CYPS online area including:

  • Children and Young People zone – this includes information on what support and help CYPS can offer, as well as accounts from other children and young people who have been helped by CYPS and the journey they went through.
  • Professionals working with children and young people – this includes information on how to refer someone to CYPS, as well as explaining the way the service is set up and works.
  • Parents and carers zone – this includes information on the different help and support available to parents and carers, as well as links to additional information and help available in Gloucestershire.

Please refer to the CYPS homepage for more information.

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